Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017



Scientific reports are scientific papers made by a person or group of people who are structurally related or official after performing a given task. Scientific reports are made as evidence of subordinate / officer or team / committee responsibilities to their superiors for the performance of the assigned task. Scientific reports should contain accurate and objective and systematic data so that they can be used to make judgments and decisions.

1.TITLE: How to manufacture glutinous tape or cassava tape

2. DATE OF EXPERIMENT: July 29, 2014

            • Describe the notion of fermented tape food
            • Describe the step of tape making process
            • Explain the purpose of food fermentation
            • Mention the name of the fungus that causes fermentation on the tape
            • Knowing the equation of the reaction

            • Increase knowledge about the definition of food fermentation
            • Adding skills on how to make tape
            • Increase understanding of fermented food goals
            • Increase knowledge about the name of fermented food mushrooms
            • Add knowledge of the equation of the reaction

            Tape is a traditional fermented food that is familiar to us. The making of this tape, involving many microorganisms. The microorganisms present in the yeast tape are amylomyces rouxil, mucor sp, and rhizopus sp., Yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae, and uterine candida; As well as bacteria pediococcus sp. And baciluss sp. Both groups of microorganisms work together to produce tape.
            Fermentation is the process of energy production in cells in anaerobic state (without oxygen). Sugar is a common denominator in fermentation, some examples of fermented products are ethanol, lactic acid, and hydrogen. Some other components may also be produced from fermentation such as granular acid and aseson. Yeast is known as a material commonly used in fermentation to produce alcohol in water, wine and other alcoholic beverages.
            The reaction in fermentation differs depending on the type of sugar used and the product is produced briefly, glucose (C6H12O6) which is the simplest sugar, through fermentation will produce ethanol (2C2H5OH). This fermentation reaction is carried out by yeast and used in food production.
            Chemical reaction equation:
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP (energy released: 118 Kj / mol).
Sugar (glucose, fructose, or sucrose) alcohol (ethanol) + carbon dioxide + energy (ATP)
Biochemical pathways that occur, actually vary depending on the type of sugar involved, but generally involve the glucose pathway, which is part of the initial stage of aerobic respiration in most organisms. The final path will vary depending on the final product being generated.

Some of the benefits of making the tape itself include:
1. Tape as a source of kabohidrat
Perhaps this is the reason why ancient people rely on cassava or sticky rice to replace rice. Cassava or sticky rice that has been processed into a tape, it has a large carbohydrate content. Even the carbohydrate content is greater than the carbohydrate content in the potatoes.

2. Tape helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis
Tape contains vitamin K. Where vitamin K has a lot to know is beneficial for bone growth. In addition, vitamin K is also useful to form bone mass and prevent osteoporosis.

3. Tape reduces brain nerve damage
Vitamin K content in cassava also plays a role to prevent nerve damage to the brain and beneficial for the therapy of Alzheimer's patients.

4. Tape helps prevent anemia
Tape contains vitamin B complex and several groups of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Riboflavin is beneficial for body growth and promotes the formation of red blood cells. If red blood cell production is not deficient, then anemia can be prevented.

5. Tape helps regulate blood pressure
Tape contains several minerals such as potassium, magnesium and zinc. Potassium is useful in the formation of body cells and helps regulate blood pressure.

6. Tape as a good source of fiber for health
Foods that contain lots of fiber is very beneficial for health. Tape contains many fibers. So consume it can prevent some diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes control.

       A. TOOL                                                 b. INGREDIENTS
            • Knife                                                    • 1.5 Kg of cassava or sticky rice
            • Pan                                                        • 2 grains of tape yeast
            • Plastic                                                   • Banana leaf
            • Bucket

A) Steam cassava until cooked, try not too ripe to avoid the object
B) Once cool, the cassava in a closed container that has been covered with banana leaves, with
     Sterile containers so that no bacteria inhibit the fermentation process
C) Sprinkle with yeast tape until smooth
D) Cover back with banana leaf and cover with lid. Leave it in place Warm for 3-4 days.

A. Fermentation is the process of energy production in cells in anaerobic state (without oxygen)
B. Step tape making:
            • Steamed cassava until cooked, try not too ripe to avoid the object
            • After cold, the cassava in a closed container that has been covered with banana leaves,
               with a sterile container so that no bacteria inhibit the fermentation process
            • Sprinkle with yeast tape until smooth
            • Cover again with a banana leaf and cover with a lid. Let stand in warm place for 3-4
C. The purpose of fermented foods is to make food more durable and can be
    Produce energy.
D. The names of microorganisms that play a role in making tape, among others; Mold amylomyces
     rouxil, mucor sp, and rhizopus sp., Yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae, and candida utiris; As well as
     bacteria pediococcus sp. And baciluss sp
E. The chemical reaction equation that occurs is:
     C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP (energy released: 118 Kj / mol).

     Sugar (glucose, fructose, or sucrose) alcohol (ethanol) + carbon dioxide + energy (ATP)

17 komentar:

  1. Please Explain the important points of the materi.?

    1. From the results of the experiment there is a change of taste, smell, and texture. That is sweet and sour taste has an alcoholic taste, strong smell of alcohol, aqueous texture, Because in the process of permentation changes the hydrolysis of starch into glucose and maltose that will give sweetness and sugar changes to alcohol and organic acids caused by the fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

  2. tell me about the process of making black glutinous tape !

    1. The process of making black glutinous tape is a fermentation process of glutinous tape by Saccharomyces Cerivisiae mushrooms that convert fructose and glucose carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide. In addition there are also fungi microorganisms that turn starch into glucose, namely Mucor chlamidosporus and Endomycopsis fibuligera

  3. In this report, DATA RESULTS EXPERIMENTS , could you explain the alcohol consentration in tape?

    1. It depent on how long you fermentation this.... But when i loking for the information, the consentration are 0,4 - 4,5.. %

  4. What is the function of yeast in tape making?

    1. in the process of permentation, yeast can changes the hydrolysis of starch into glucose and maltose that will give sweetness and sugar changes to alcohol and organic acids caused by the fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( in the yeast ) .

  5. Hi, I want to ask. What is the result of the reaction of your experiment, as well as the function?

    1. Chemical Reaction Equation: C6H12O6 + 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP Translation: Sugar (glucose, fructose, or sucrose) + Alcohol (ethanol) + Carbon dioxide + Energy
      The sugar for our carbohidrat
      Alcohol the other result, it maybe have functions...
      Carbon dioxside for fotosintesis
      Energy for human body

  6. What are the results of oxidation of primary alcohol and secondary alcohol?

  7. What the functions fermentation process of glutinous tape?

    1. The process of making black glutinous tape is a fermentation process of glutinous tape by Saccharomyces Cerivisiae mushrooms that convert fructose and glucose carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide. In addition there are also fungi microorganisms that turn starch into glucose, namely Mucor chlamidosporus and Endomycopsis fibuligera. Both these microorganisms assist in converting starch into simple sugars (glucose). Benefits of black sticky tape is beneficial for the health of the body because it contains lactic acid bacteria. These foods are beneficial for body immunity, lowering cholesterol and suppressing cancer cells

  8. What fermentation can produce alcohol?

    1. Yes, it can. The reaction in the fermentation of black sticky rice into tape is glucose (C6H12O6) which is the simplest sugar, through fermentation will produce ethanol (2C2H5OH). This fermentation reaction is carried out by yeast, and is used in food production.
      Chemical Reaction Equation: C6H12O6 + 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP Translation: Sugar (glucose, fructose, or sucrose) + Alcohol (ethanol) + Carbon dioxide + Energy

  9. Explain the benefits of fermentation and its effects

  10. what is the function of banana leaf in this experiment?
