Kamis, 18 Mei 2017


Predicting Reaction Products
When cooking, it's frequently handy to predict what will happen when we mix a bunch of ingredients together. For example, if we're interested in making a delicious new salad dressing, we would have a very small chance of making anything edible if we had no way of knowing which ingredients would have the greatest chance of succeeding.
Likewise, it's often necessary for chemists to predict the chemical reactions that will take place when two chemicals are combined. For example, if we're adding a chemical to a tank of toxic waste to stabilize it, we'd be very unhappy if we failed to predict an explosive reaction..
An easy way to predict what reaction will take place when two chemicals are mixed is to identify the type of reaction that's likely to occur when the chemicals are combined. Of course, we mentioned before that these types of reaction are arbitrary, but they do sometimes have a useful purpose.
Here are some tips you may find handy in helping to predict the type of reaction that will occur if you know only the reactants. Keep in mind that not all combiations of chemicals will result in a chemical reaction—these tips are handy only for helping to predict what would happen should they happen to react.
  • If two ionic compounds are combined, it's usually safe to predict that a double displacement reaction will occur.
  • If the chemicals mixed are oxygen and something containing carbon, it's usually a combustion reaction.
  • If we start with only one reactant, the reaction taking place is probably a decomposition reaction. To predict the products of such a reaction, see what happens if the chemical breaks into smaller, familiar products such as water, carbon dioxide, or any of the gaseous elements.
  • When pure elements are combined, synthesis reactions are the frequent result.
  • If a pure element combines with an ionic compound, a single displacement reaction may take place.
  • If a compound containing the hydroxide ion is involved, check the other compound to see if it contains hydrogen. If it does, it may be an acid-base reaction.
Classifying Reactions to help with Predicting Reactions

There are five different types of reactions possible in the reactions section :

1) Double Replacement or (Metathesis) Reactions

When you see two binary ionic compounds (including acids), the compounds switch partners to form two new compounds. The driving force and product is either a gas, a precipitate, or a weak electrolyte.

a gas
memorize the double replacement products that form gases
a precipitate
memorize the solubility rules
a weak electrolytes
memorize the strong acids so you recognize a weak acid; memorize H2O and NH4OH as weak electrolytes

Watchout for:

Important stoichiometry...key words "equimolar", etc. for the formation of acid salts like HPO42-
Complex ion formation through double replacement does not seem to form new compounds. For example: Zn(OH)2 + excess (or concentrated) NaOH ------> Zn(OH)42- + Na+.

2) RedOx (Oxidation - Reduction) Reactions

Memorize the common strong oxidizers, generally ions with lots of oxygen, MnO4-, Cr2O72-, IO3-, etc. Memorize what they turn into, and look for something to oxidize.
Memorize the common strong reducers (on the handout mentioned above), memorize what they turn into, and look for something to reduce.
Memorize the equations for the oxidation and the reduction reactions of water during the electrolysis of water.
Reduction: 4H2O + 4e- --------> 2H2 + 4OH-
Oxidation: 2H2O -------> O2 + 4H+ + 4e-
Watchout for:
Keywords "acidified solution" or an acid included in the reactants. The H+ ions form H2O with the oxygens.
Anytimes you see a neutral element, Cu°, O2, H2, etc. it must be redox.

Tips & Tricks:

1. When reactions occur between a metal like Fe°, Cu°, Sn°, etc. (multiple ions possible metals: Fe2+ and Fe3+) reacts with reactive gases like O2, F2, Cl2 with the addition of heat, Fe° will ionize itself to maximum positive charge (-ic metal ions). Example:

2Fe°(s) + 3Cl2(g) + heat --------> 2FeCl3(s)

2. When applying the rule of "Free Halogens + Dilute OH- -----> Hypohalites ions," the addition of halide ions (such as Cl-) to the equation are required to obtain full credit on the reaction equations. Example:

Cl2(g) + 2OH- -------> ClO- + Cl- + H2O

3. When the oxides of an alkali metal (Family 1), Ca, Ba, or Sr dissolve in water, hydroxides will form, but no gases will be released. Example:

K2O(s) + H2O ----------> 2K+ + 2OH-

4. When the hydrides of an alkali metal (Family 1), Ca, Ba, or Sr dissolve in water, hydroxides will form and H2 gas is released. Example:

LiH(s) + H2O --------> Li+ + OH- + H2(g)

5. Look for "battery" reactions (activity series of metals). When you are not sure which one will undergo changes, look at the reduction potential chart given in the AP Test (the metal with greatest potential will reduce). Examples:

Mg°(s) + 2Ag+ ---------> Mg2+ + 2Ag°(s)

6. Be aware of Disproportionation Redox Reactions. These are the reactions when a portion substance is oxidized while the rest is reduced. The same chemical substance undergoes both oxidation and reduction. NO2 and H2O2 are classic chemicals that have this ability. Example:

3NO2(g) + H2O --------> 2H+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) + NO(g)

7. (Trick #1) When you see electrolysis such as KI in water, and you are stuck on whether H2 gas will form from which side. The following is the solution that always works. You know potassium is always going to the negative electrode. Let say K° forms at the negative electrode (cathode) and immediately undergoes reaction with water:

2K° + 2H2O -------> 2KOH + H2

Since all these happens on the negative electrode. So, H2 gas forms from the negative electrode and that's exactly what happens when water reduces at the cathode.

8. (Trick #2) When CuSO4(aq) is electrolyzed, you know that Cu° metal is going to form because copper's potential is higher than water. So, positive side will attract SO42- ions. Nevertheless, SO42- can't further oxidize (full of oxygen and no more unshared pair of electrons possible for further oxidation). As the result, you should use the other side of the hydrolysis in Trick #1: instead of OH-, put H+; instead of H2, put O2. This makes sense because when you electrolyze H2O, you get H2, and O2; and OH- and H+ from each electrode will neutralize and become water again.

2Cu2+ + 2H2O --------> O2 + 4H+ + 2Cu°

9. (Trick #3) When you recognize great oxidizers like Cr2O72-, MnO4-, and MnO2, with acidified solutions in the test, but you may not remember what they turn into. So, remember the definition of an oxidizer: the ability to give off its oxygen components. So, acidified Cr2O72-, turn into Cr3+and MnO2, and MnO4- will turn to Mn2+. As you can see, the oxygen components are "ripped off" and form water with H+ ions.

3) Organic Reactions
These are especially useful for the older tests. The "acorn book" states that organic compounds may show up as examples, but organic reactions are pretty restricted.

Oxidation - complete combustion of hydrocarbons results in CO2 and H2O. Milder oxidation may change a primary alcohol into an aldehyde, a secondary alcohol into a ketone, etc.

Substitution - example: Br2 + a hydrocarbon results in HBr + a Br substitute for one of the hydorgens on a carbon.

Esterfication - organic acid + alcohol results in an ester and H2O

Addtion - a double bond is borken and atoms are attached to two carbons. If H2O is added, an H and OH add to the carbons. If Br2 is added, a Br atom is added to each of the carbons.

4) Complex Ion Formation

These are usually formed from a transition metal surrounded by ligands (polar molecules or negative ions). As a "rule of thumb" you place twice the number of ligands around an ion as the charge on the ion... example: the dark blue Cu(NH3)42+ (ammonia is used as a test for Cu2+ ions), and Ag(NH3)2+.

Memorize the common ligands.

Names used in the ion
thiocyanato (bonded through sulphur)
isothiocyanato (bonded through nitrogen)

Watchout for:

Alumninum also forms complex ions as do some post transitions metals. Ex: Al(H2O)63+
The names are very impressive, but easy..the ions above are the tetraamminecopper(II) ion, the diamminesilver(I) ion, and hexaaquoaluminum(III) ion. Zn(OH)42- is the tetrahydroxyzinc(II) ion, the charge is the sum of the parts (2+)+4(-1)= -2.
Acid-base reactions may change NH3 into NH4+ (or vice versa) which will alter its ability to act as a ligand.

Visually, a precipitate may go back into solution as a complex ion is formed. For example, Cu2+ + a little NH4OH will form the light blue precipitate, Cu(OH)2. With access ammonia, the complex, Cu(NH3)42+, forms.

Keywords such as "excess" and "concentrated" of any solution may indicate complex ions. AgNO3 + HCl forms the white precipitate, AgCl. With excess, concentrated HCl, the complex ion, AgCl2-, forms and the solution clears.

The odd complex ion, FeSCN2+, shows up once in a while simply because it is commonly used in the CHEMStudy first-year equilibrium lab.
Transitional metals, such as Iron, Zinc and Chromium, can form complex ions. Aluminum can form complex ions as well.

5) Lewis Acid-Base Reactions
"HAVE PAIR WILL SHARE" -- Lewis Base. The formation of a coordinate covalent bond between NH3 and BF3 to form H3N:BF3 is a classic example of a Lewis acid-base reaction.
Oxides of metals and nonmetals are also examples:

CO2 + H2O --------> H2CO3
CaO + CO2 ----------> CaCO3
Watchout for:

Some reactions come from industrial pocesses such as the formation of bleach (ClO- ion) from Cl2 and dilute NaOH). Note these as you come across them and add them to your "bag of tricks".
You can write (or think about) chemicals in different ways for different reactions. Ammonia may be NH3 (aq) for complex ions, NH4OH for double replacement or acid-base reactions; water may be H2O or you might think of it as H+ and OH- for hydrolysis or redox reactions; HNO3may be an acid (donating H+) or it may be an oxidizer (forming NO or NO2 + H2O).

Tips & Tricks:

1. When you see NO3-, NO2-, CO32-, SO32-, SO42- ions in solids and are heated in vacuum, NO2(g), NO(g), CO2(g), SO2(g), SO3(g) are evolved. Example:

CaCO3(s) + heat ---------> CaO(s) + CO2(g)

2. (Trick #4) When you see a compounded gas bubble through any solution, they should be changed to "The Dissolved" state which is actually a Lewis Acid-Base Reaction:

CO2(g) + H2O -------->  H2CO3
NH3(g) + H2O --------> NH4OH

SO2(g) + H2O --------> H2SO3

13 komentar:

  1. In the article you share this whether the results match your prediction?

    1. Yeah, there are have results match in my prediction like Double Replacement Reactions (Metathesis), Redox (Oxidation - Reduction) Reactions, Organic Reactions, Complex Ion Formation, and Lewis Acid-Base Reactions

  2. In redox reactions there are autoredoks, try your prediction reaction on autoredoks.

    1. Autoredoks is a form of redox in which some of a reactant is oxidized and some of the same reactant is reduced. A classic example is the reaction of bromine with water to produce hydrogen bromide and bromic acid
      3Br2 + 3H2O => HBrO3 + 5HBr

  3. What is a ligand and give another example that can act as ligand?

    1. The molecules or ions surrounding the central metal ion are called ligands.The nature of ligands. Simple ligands include water, ammonia and chloride ions. Ligand, in chemistry, any atom or molecule attached to a central atom, usually a metallic element, in a coordination or complex compound. The atoms and molecules used as ligands are almost always those that are capable of functioning as the electron-pair donor in the electron-pair bond (a coordinate covalent bond) formed with the metal atom.

      Examples of common ligands are the neutral molecules water (H2O), ammonia (NH3), and carbon monoxide (CO) and the anions cyanide (CN-), chloride (Cl-), and hydroxide (OH-). Occasionally, ligands can be cations (e.g., NO+, N2H5+) and electron-pair acceptors. The ligands in a given complex may be identical, as the CO ligands in Fe(CO)5 and the H2O ligands in [Ni(H2O)6]2+, or different, as the CO and NO ligands in Co(CO)3(NO). Attachment of the ligand to the metal may be through a single atom, in which case it is called a monodentate ligand, or through two or more atoms, in which case it is called a didentate or polydentate ligand.

  4. Can you give me example for Substitution reactions

    1. Substitution reaction, any of a class of chemical reactions in which an atom, ion, or group of atoms or ions in a molecule is replaced by another atom, ion, or group. An example is the reaction in which the chlorine atom in the chloromethane molecule is displaced by the hydroxide ion, forming methanol:

      CH3Cl + −OH→ CH3OH + Cl-

      If the chlorine atom is displaced by other groups—such as the cyanide ion (−CN), the ethoxide ion (C2H5O−), or the hydrosulfide ion (HS-)—chloromethane is transformed, respectively, to acetonitrile (CH3CN), methyl ethyl ether (CH3OC2H5), or methanethiol (CH3SH). Thus an organic compound such as an alkyl halide can give rise to numerous types of organic compounds by substitution reactions with suitable reagents.

  5. Hi Agung, I want to ask. What examples dual displacement reactions?


    1. What is a double replacement reaction?

      Double replacement reactions—also called double displacement, exchange, or metathesis reactions—occur when parts of two ionic compounds are exchanged, making two new compounds. The overall pattern of a double replacement reaction looks like this:
      ​​ B
      ​​ +C
      ​​ D
      ​​ →A

      You can think of the reaction as swapping the cations or the anions, but not swapping both since you would end up with the same substances you started with. The solvent for a double replacement reaction is usually water, and the reactants and products are usually ionic compounds—but they can also be acids or bases.
      Here is an example of a double replacement reaction:
      ​​ (aq)+Na
      ​​ SO
      ​​ (aq)→BaSO

  6. What are the product predictions of Pb + O2?

  7. can every compound we used to make Double Replacement or (Metathesis) Reaction?

  8. Explain and give examples of multiple displacement reactions
